Caimen with losses to tail and feet before conservation
Caimen with reconstructed tail and feet after conservation
Arctic Fox
Arctic Fox with losses to ears before conservation
Arctic Fox with reconstructed ears after conservation
Leg of Rhea
Conservation of damage and losses to leg of Rhea, before conservation
Conservation of damage and losses to leg of Rhea
Conservation of damage and losses to leg of Rhea
Conservation of damage and losses to leg of Rhea, after conservation
Tortoise with losses before conservation
Tortoise with reconstructed shell and skin after conservation
Webbed Foot of Platypus
Webbed foot of Platypus with losses before conservation
Webbed foot of Platypus with coloured Japanese paper fills after conservation
Shark before conservation with numerous losses and with cracking along underside before conservation
Detail of shark before conservation with cracking along underside before conservation
Detail of fills to cracking along underside of shark
Detail of underside of shark after conservation
Dipper with detached head before conservation
Dipper with head reattached after conservation
Tawny Owl
Tawny Owl with detached head and bent feathers before conservation
Tawny Owl with head reattached and feathers stabilised after conservation